2024 Board of Directors
Use the contact form to get in touch with a member of the Board of Directors or the SERC Office.
Title | Name |
President | Josh Sale |
Vice President | Cathy Bump |
Secretary | Erika Gliebe |
Director-at-Large | Van Cornwell |
Director-at-Large | Vanessa Blyth Marlin |
Director-at-Large | Jing Li |
Director-at-Large | George Lazaneo |
Past President | Fran Hegeler |
Boathouse Captain | Tim Yarish |
Building Commissioner | Steve Fillipow |
Entertainment Commissioner | Jeanne Sellers |
Gymnasium Commissioner | David Flatow |
Handball Commissioner | Adan Diaz |
Membership Commissioner | Catherine Lovazzano |
Rowing Commissioner | Marissa Miller |
Running Commissioner | Emily Gable |
Swimming Commissioner | Kristin Hutchins |
Treasurer | Laura Hovden |
Newsletter Editor | Gabe Rosen Eva Schulteis |
SERC By Laws and Procedures
Proposed Articles of Incorporation
2018-2023 Agendas and Minutes
Board Agendas and Meeting Minutes
* If you are a South End Board member and need any assistance with configuring our using your @serc.com email addresses, please contact the Access/IT Team using the contact form, or contact Brian directly.